Hello everyone, I hope that you are fine!!

My last term was very stressful, because I had many things to do during the second term of 2009, and the time was not too.

But I was learned a lot of things very interesting for me,in physiology and pharmacology, for example, that are helpful for clinical examinations of patients. I had great field trips, where I could see directly what we were taught about animal production.

When testing began, I felt really tired ... I had to take multivitamin and started doing yoga again to relax!! and as I could, share with my family and friends, going to concerts and parties.
I studied a lot, but biochemistry was a big challenge, because it was the second time that I did it. Fortunately I passed all my classes, and I was very happy!!!

Veterinary medicine is a very nice career, I love it ! but I think that their curriculum is too overloaded. We end up knowing everything about many animal species, and in addition to being doctors, we do many other things, that for example in human medicine would be a work for other people.
I find that the career is wrong valued, and should last a few years more. After all we are as a doctor + a nurse (as compared to human medicine)... we are like a juggler who should knows it all !!


  1. Camila Says:

    Very interesting place to visit, I had not thought in Egypt but I also like to take a trip over there.

    Greetings Dani, see you in class!

  2. Miss Says:

    Hello everyone, I hope that you are fine!!

    My last term was very stressful, because I had many things to do during the second term of 2009, and the time was not too.

    But I was learned a lot of things very interesting for me,in physiology and pharmacology, for example, that are helpful for clinical examinations of patients. I had great field trips, where I could see directly what we were taught about animal production.

    When testing began, I felt really tired ... I had to take multivitamin and started doing yoga again to relax!! and as I could, share with my family and friends, going to concerts and parties.
    I studied a lot, but biochemistry was a big challenge, because it was the second time that I did it. Fortunately I passed all my classes, and I was very happy!!!

    Veterinary medicine is a very nice career, I love it ! but I think that their curriculum is too overloaded. We end up knowing everything about many animal species, and in addition to being doctors, we do many other things, that for example in human medicine would be a work for other people.
    I find that the career is wrong valued, and should last a few years more. After all we are as a doctor + a nurse (as compared to human medicine)... we are like a juggler who should knows it all !!

    welld one dani... I think you´re right you do many things at once...

    p.s. you got a 6,6

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