I would you like to go to Egypt, because I think is a very interesting place....full of history, and could see the great and wonderful works constructed there, that has always interested me, and I wuold love to visit Egypt one day. I think it would be very mysterious.

I would like to visit the pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx, the great temples and archaeological sites. Go to The Cairo museum would be great, because is where the treasures of Tutankhamun are exhibits, I would like to see mummies and more of the culture of ancient Egypt.
Also visit the Sahara desert, riding camels and navigate the Nile River would be unforgettable things . I think Egypt is truly one of the first and most dazzling civilizations in the history of mankind.

If I had the opportunity to stay for a while there, it would be fun to spend time working on something related to tourism, to learn more about their culture, and enjoy much more time there than in a single visit. It could also practice a lot in English with tourists.
Although manners are very different from ours, as much of the population professes Islam, would be a great adventure for me!!

See you in classes!


  1. Constanza Says:

    Hi Dani! I would love to visit Egypt too! I think it's like a country full of surprises full of history and really mysterious.
    see you bye!

  2. Constanza Says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Camila Agurto Says:

    I wanna know the pyramids!!!
    It would be awesome and mysterious too...the colours and everything is saying "come and visist me" jajajja
    see you tomorrow!

  4. ---ƒ®£ÆìK-- Says:

    mm, i like to go whit you^^

    but if a mummy wants to kill us??, and then if sussan comes form the grave and fight whit the mummy and makes is special move... nanananannanan sussan ^^

  5. Miss Says:

    I would you like to go to Egypt, because I think is a very interesting place....full of history, and could see the great and wonderful WW works constructed there, that has always interested me, and I ^love to visit Egypt one day. I think it would be very mysterious.

    I would like to visit the pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx, the great temples and archaeological sites. Go to The Cairo museum would be great, because is where the treasures of Tutankhamun are exhibits, I would like to see mummies and more of the culture of ancient Egypt.
    Also visit the Sahara desert, riding camels and navigate the Nile River would be unforgettable things . I think Egypt is truly one of the first and most dazzling civilizations in the history of mankind.

    If I had the opportunity to stay for a while there, it would be fun to spend time working on something related to tourism, to learn more about their culture, and enjoy much more time there than in a single visit. It could also practice a lot in English with tourists.
    Although manners are very different from ours, as much of the population professes Islam, would be a great adventure for me!!

    See you in classes!

    I would love to go there as well!! I think is one of the places you have to go before you die
    p.s. you got a 6,2

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