DEATH PENALTY: a controversial topic

It´s so difficult speak about this topic, because is very controversial. I could say that in a justified case, I would see it as an option. But I truly believe that if someone should be punished, what better to do it here in life?. In the long term would be harder and really a good punishment.

Therefore I´m against the death penalty. I feel that this punishment is very severe. And it scares me a bit, because there are places where religion establishes penalties, like death penalty, to persons who don´t committed a felony. As is the case of Muslim women, that if they show any part of the body in public (they only can exhibit ankles in public), are condemned to die. OMG! I would be dead there!!!

I think it's an abuse of power and that in countries who is still in effect this punishment human rights are brutally violated. This should be better regulated by international organizations to prevent atrocities against innocent people.

The execution of persons has been employed by almost all societies at one time or another in their history to punish their crimes. Yet it seems strange that developed countries like Japan and the United States still maintain in effect the death penalty, because today the vast majority of countries in the world have abolished it.

But then it appear another problem, as in the case of our country... Now people commit serious crimes and the sentences for them are very low or these people still are free.

Where is the balance?

1 Response to "DEATH PENALTY: a controversial topic"

  1. Miss Says:

    It´s so difficult speak about this topic, because is very controversial. I could say that in a justified case, I would see it as an option. But I truly believe that if someone should be punished, what better to do it here in life?. In the long term would be harder and really a good punishment.

    Therefore I´m against the death penalty. I feel that this punishment is very severe. And it scares me a bit, because there are places where religion establishes penalties, like death penalty, to persons who don´t committed a felony. As is the case of Muslim women, that if they show any part of the body in public (they only can exhibit ankles in public), are condemned to die. OMG! I would be dead there!!!

    I think it's an abuse of power and that in countries who is still in effect this punishment human rights are brutally violated. This should be better regulated by international organizations to prevent atrocities against innocent people.

    The execution of persons has been WW employed by almost all societies at one time or another in their history to punish their crimes. Yet it seems strange that developed countries like Japan and the United States still maintain in effect the death penalty, because today the vast majority of countries in the world SVA have abolished it.

    But then ^ appear another problem, as in the case of our country... Now people commit serious crimes and the sentences for them are very low or these people still are free.

    Where is the balance?

    Well I think there must be a balance somewhere...
    Well done! some of the arguments need more support I think...
    we'll see it in class

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