I would you like to go to Egypt, because I think is a very interesting place....full of history, and could see the great and wonderful works constructed there, that has always interested me, and I would love to visit Egypt one day. I think it would be very mysterious.

I would like to visit the pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx, the great temples and archaeological sites. Go to The Cairo museum would be great, because is where the treasures of Tutankhamun are exhibits, I would like to see mummies and more of the culture of ancient Egypt.
Also visit the Sahara desert, riding camels and navigate the Nile River would be unforgettable things . I think Egypt is truly one of the first and most dazzling civilizations in the history of mankind.

If I had the opportunity to stay for a while there, it would be fun to spend time working on something related to tourism, to learn more about their culture, and enjoy much more time there than in a single visit. It could also practice a lot in English with tourists.
Although manners are very different from ours, as much of the population professes Islam, would be a great adventure for me!!

See you in classes!


12:35 AM by *DaNiela* 5 comments

I would you like to go to Egypt, because I think is a very interesting place....full of history, and could see the great and wonderful works constructed there, that has always interested me, and I wuold love to visit Egypt one day. I think it would be very mysterious.

I would like to visit the pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx, the great temples and archaeological sites. Go to The Cairo museum would be great, because is where the treasures of Tutankhamun are exhibits, I would like to see mummies and more of the culture of ancient Egypt.
Also visit the Sahara desert, riding camels and navigate the Nile River would be unforgettable things . I think Egypt is truly one of the first and most dazzling civilizations in the history of mankind.

If I had the opportunity to stay for a while there, it would be fun to spend time working on something related to tourism, to learn more about their culture, and enjoy much more time there than in a single visit. It could also practice a lot in English with tourists.
Although manners are very different from ours, as much of the population professes Islam, would be a great adventure for me!!

See you in classes!


Hello everyone, I hope that you are fine!!

My last term was very stressful, because I had many things to do during the second term of 2009, and the time was not too.

But I was learned a lot of things very interesting for me,in physiology and pharmacology, for example, that are helpful for clinical examinations of patients. I had great field trips, where I could see directly what we were taught about animal production.

When testing began, I felt really tired ... I had to take multivitamin and started doing yoga again to relax!! and as I could, share with my family and friends, going to concerts and parties.
I studied a lot, but biochemistry was a big challenge, because it was the second time that I did it. Fortunately I passed all my classes, and I was very happy!!!

Veterinary medicine is a very nice career, I love it ! but I think that their curriculum is too overloaded. We end up knowing everything about many animal species, and in addition to being doctors, we do many other things, that for example in human medicine would be a work for other people.
I find that the career is wrong valued, and should last a few years more. After all we are as a doctor + a nurse (as compared to human medicine)... we are like a juggler who should knows it all !!


10:05 PM by *DaNiela* 0 comments
The Transantiago has been the target of many criticisms, but when compared with the pre-Transantiago system, this has improved in many aspects such as the treatment towards students, the payment system that allows greater safety within the buses and now the disabled people can access easier to public transport.

But also missed the "take me for a hundred" which we negotiated our way with the drivers, it was highly desirable economically. Now there are fewer options and multiple transfers over short distances, thus slows travel.

The beginning of Transantiago was chaotic, I remember that the buses were crowded, people were very angry and that generated conflicts.The lack of information and malfunctioning of the new transport plan was a great disappointment.

The transantiago has been a major headache for many Chileans, really a very bad service at first, but has been improving, even though still need to improve the routes and the frequency at which buses pass by, because yet there are times the wait is long.

I hope the Transantiago continue improving and that we can finally have an efficient public transport system, clean and friendly.


Hi everybody! I hope that you are fine ;)
This is my first post in my new blog, specially created for my english classes of pilot level.
To start I'll tell you that my name is Daniela, and I'm in third year of Veterinary Medicine.
I hope to get better in English writing with my blog. I need achieve a more fluid writing (and speaking also), because sometimes I find it difficult...and it makes me mad ! :(