Nowadays the development and advances in veterinary medicine point to the specialization of the different branches that shape it, dividing medicine in equine, bovine, minor clinical and exotic animals. All these branches have a narrow relation with types of specializations of the veterinary, like radiology, immunology, surgery, etc.

All these areas without professional and technological support didn´t have the value or the impact that are generating nowadays, for example the use of ultrasound in rehabilitation on pets is an area that is don´t known and is not used in Chile.

Everything that relates technological advances is very good, but this can´t help without the social impact that this will lead, I mean, the main idea in veterinary is give welfare to the animals, and this is essential to promote in the proper way the care and maintenance of all the creatures that be related with men, it is a social changes that will benefit the animals.
For example, nowadays exist the bach flowers therapy and it is being used very much in dogs of company, which leaves in evidence that the persons have changed his perception of the animals, from simple pets to members of the family with virtues and strengths.

Regarding education, the task of all is do our best to make the world a better place, but in search of Eden, the common of people forget the animals and consider that they don´t have feelings or emotions. Is necessary generate conscience in people about animals, as well as laws to defend and establish the bases for improve the animal welfare.

In conclusion, veterinary medicine is a hard career and to work demands to know much of everything (and I mean that a veterinary is not only a person who put a vaccine to your dog ). In order to face all challenges that come ahead, pushing every veterinarian to be a integrated person, we can use technology and know about a lot of branches, but we need to develop social consciousness in all people and educate future generations to generate a mutualism with the people and animals to make this world a better place, a really hard challenge!!


Improvac is a vaccine created to prevent puberty in male pigs and thus reduce hormones that cause boar taint (a taste many consumers dislike), grow pigs bigger and is an alternative to physical castration, therefore is call "chemical castration" of pigs.
The last year was licensed for use in Britain, but this drug is used in Australia since one decade and is now approved in 53 countries.
Due of this, a controversy was generated because the pig meat could be on sale without a label to warn shoppers that it contains Improvac.
The Assured Food Standards (AFS) agency rejected Improvac, fearing a public backlash, because in 2008 a scandal was produced in Ireland when pork products were contaminated and the public sensitivity could be high. So the AFS wants more market intelligence before making a change.
Another agencies, like the UK's National Pig Association, wanted more research into consumer attitudes. The British Veterinary Association wants concerns about safety for farm workers and while for Soil Association (an organic movement) the primary concern was the impact on the animals.
On the other hand, Pfizer, the pharmaceutical giant that developed the drug is defended of all this saying the Improvac could not affect consumers through the pig meat or the environment and this is guaranteed by the European commission's licensing authorities, including a panel of international scientific experts, that assessed Improvac's environmental safety, consumer safety and the product's safety and efficacy when used in pigs. And finally they say that the safety assessment of Improvac was every bit as rigorous as a human medicine assessment.


I think the current situation of the Faculty is worthy ... because I have heard to senior students talking about that the classrooms before were very ugly and most of the furniture was badly damaged.
Now, at least the structures are noticeably improved, everything looks more harmonious, and I like the sky-blue color that are painting the entire Faculty, the red brick of before it was very depressing!
One of the things that I would describe as very bad, is the cafeteria ... the food they offer is unvaried, ill-prepared and very expensive! And the attention! Uff ...very bad too! Sometimes I´m afraid to buy something because the Mrs. who attends always is angry!!
All there for me this badly designed, space is very small, in the lunch is hard to find a table. And besides being a very expensive meal, the menu claims to be something, for example “rice with steak”... but they say: I dont have steak...Can I change it by burger? And I have accept :( But, they again they ask me and say: now I dont have burgers, Can I give you an egg? ¬¬
It seems really a joke, end up giving almost the leftovers! The worst thing is that most of the time I buy there, ends happening this! It's horrible!
I think the solution to this might be the granting of the cafeteria, such as in Agronomy or other faculties. It would be much more orderly and hygienic, and the workers will be trained to perform their job correctly.
In this manner we could have a better service and we could feed ourselves properly!